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Beijing to Badaling High Speed Train: Fastest Way to Travel to Great Wall

Beijing to Badaling High Speed Train: Fastest Way to Travel to Great Wall

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The High Speed Train is hands down the fastest way to travel from Beijing to Badaling Great Wall. One-way train ride takes about 19-31 mins, depending on which station you departs from. For comparison, local S2 train takes about 1.5 hours each way, and bus takes about 1-1.5 hours each way.

Even though the high speed train price is about 2.5x more expensive than local S2 train, it’s actually not expensive at all if you compare it with other countries like Japan.

Priced between RMB18 to 40, the high speed train is totally worth every cents because you’re saving so much time. Plus, seats are guaranteed on the bullet train, while the local train seats are on a first-come, first-served basis.

I’m a huge fan of the high speed train and I highly recommend it to anyone planning to visit the Great Wall from Beijing!

In this guide, I’ll share my experience riding the high speed train, from the point of view of a tourist.

Beijing to Badaling High Speed Train Route

There are 2 routes between Beijing and Badaling:

  • Beijing North Railway Station <-> Badaling Railway Station
  • Qinghe Railway Station <-> Badaling Railway Station

All the trains connecting Beijing and Badaling are direct routes, except Train No D6708 (Badaling -> Qinghe -> Beijing North Railway Station).

Each high speed train that connects Beijing and Badaling are usually part of a longer route, but you’re only paying for the section that you actually ride (i.e. Beijing <-> Badaling).

Beijing to Badaling High Speed Train Price

Beijing North <-> BadalingFirst ClassRMB40 one-way
Beijing North <-> BadalingSecond ClassRMB25 one-way
Qinghe <-> BadalingFirst ClassRMB29-32 one-way
Qinghe <-> BadalingSecond ClassRMB18-20 one-way

The first class car configuration is 2-2, while the second class configuration is 3-2. To be honest, there’s not much difference in terms of comfort. Furthermore, the journey is quite short, so it doesn’t matter whichever class you get.

Beijing to Badaling High Speed Train - First Class
First Class
Beijing to Badaling High Speed Train - Second Class
Second Class

Beijing to Badaling High Speed Train Schedule

Train NoDepartureArrivalDuration
D110107:30 (Qinghe)07:52 (Badaling)22 mins
D110308:20 (Qinghe)08:42 (Badaling)22 mins
D670308:43 (Beijing North)09:14 (Badaling)31 mins
D110509:15 (Qinghe)09:37 (Badaling)22 mins
D110709:50 (Qinghe)10:12 (Badaling)22 mins
D109110:12 (Qinghe)10:34 (Badaling)22 mins
D670510:58 (Qinghe)11:20 (Badaling)22 mins
D671311:46 (Beijing North)12:17 (Badaling)31 mins
D672512:45 (Qinghe)13:07 (Badaling)22 mins
D101314:47 (Qinghe)15:09 (Badaling)22 mins
D671515:30 (Qinghe)15:52 (Badaling)22 mins
D111917:00 (Qinghe)17:22 (Badaling)22 mins
D672717:42 (Qinghe)18:04 (Badaling)22 mins
D101918:20 (Qinghe)18:42 (Badaling)22 mins
D112119:11 (Qinghe)19:33 (Badaling)22 mins
D102119:52 (Qinghe)20:14 (Badaling)22 mins

Badaling to Beijing High Speed Train Schedule

Train NoDepartureArrivalDuration
D110208:53 (Badaling)09:13 (Qinghe)20 mins
D100209:28 (Badaling)09:47 (Qinghe)19 mins
D670410:12 (Badaling)10:32 (Qinghe)20 mins
D100610:47 (Badaling)11:06 (Qinghe)19 mins
D110612:06 (Badaling)12:26 (Qinghe)20 mins
D107212:52 (Badaling)13:12 (Qinghe)20 mins
D101214:02 (Badaling)14:21 (Qinghe)19 mins
D671414:44 (Badaling)15:03 (Qinghe)19 mins
D670615:42 (Badaling)16:02 (Qinghe)20 mins
D672616:19 (Badaling)16:39 (Qinghe)20 mins
D670817:29 (Badaling)17:49 (Qinghe)20 mins
D670817:29 (Badaling)18:05 (Beijing North)36 mins
D101818:49 (Badaling)19:08 (Qinghe)19 mins
D102019:24 (Badaling)19:43 (Qinghe)19 mins
D671019:41 (Badaling)20:01 (Qinghe)20 mins

How to Buy Beijing to Badaling High Speed Train Tickets

Locals can buy high speed train tickets online via mobile app. However, it wasn’t easy to buy tickets online as a tourist.

We tried to buy the tickets through Alipay app (by using Transport – 12306), but we weren’t successful. We were unable to register an account with 12306 even though we had China mobile numbers.

As a result, we had to buy from the counter. If you’re planning to do the same, remember to bring your passport, you’ll need it to purchase the bullet train tickets.

We went to Beijing North Railway Station to purchase high speed train to Badaling. There was no more seats available on the same day, so we had to purchase future-dated tickets.

Even though we bought ticket from Beijing North’s counter, we were able to buy ticket departing/arriving at Qinghe as well.

Unlike local S2 train, each bullet train ticket has a designated seat, so you don’t have to worry about having to stand up during the entire train journey.

For payment, we tried to use Alipay but it didn’t go through. Hence, we had to pay by cash.

Beijing North Railway Station vs Qinghe Railway Station

There are 2 train stations in Beijing where you can catch a bullet train to Badaling, they are Beijing North Railway Station and Qinghe Railway Station. Which one to choose?

Beijing North Railway Station is closer to Beijing City Centre, while Qinghe is a little bit further (5 subway stops away) from Beijing City Centre.

If you stay in Beijing center, it makes more sense to choose Beijing North. However, because there are VERY LIMITED train that departs from Beijing North to Badaling. You might have a better chance securing a ticket for the trains that departs from Qinghe.

Train Station at Beijing North Railway Station

Beijing North Railway Station is just a walking distance from Xizhimen Station. To get to Xizhimen Station, you can take Subway Line 2, Line 4 and Line 13.

To get access into the building, locals simply scan their ID cards at the automated gates. As foreigners, we had to present our passport to the officer.

Beijing North Railway Station
Beijing North Railway Station – Entrance

The waiting room is quite big, however, there isn’t enough seats for everyone.

About 25 mins before our departure, people started queueing up. Boarding starts about 20 mins before departure, and ends about 5 mins before departure.

Beijing North Railway Station
Beijing North Railway Station – Boarding Situation
Beijing North Railway Station
Beijing North Railway Station – Boarding Situation
Beijing North Railway Station
Beijing North Railway Station – Platform
Beijing North Railway Station
Beijing North Railway Station – Platform

Train Station at Qinghe Railway Station

Qinghe Railway Station is just a walking distance from Qinghe Railway Station Subway Station. To get to Qinghe Railway Station Subway Station, you can take Subway Line 13.

Qinghe Railway Station
Qinghe Railway Station (Source)

We did not depart from Qinghe. We arrived at Qinghe late at night and we didn’t take any photos of the railway station as we were extremely tired.

Train Station at Badaling Railway Station

Badaling Railway Station is located right between North Cableway Station and Great Wall Museum. It’s about 5 minutes walk from North Cableway Station, 5 minutes walk from Great Wall Museem & Cinema, and 12 minutes walk from Badaling Great Wall Entrance for walkers.

Badaling Railway Station
Badaling Railway Station
Badaling Railway Station
Badaling Railway Station – Platform

Badaling Railway Station has a very deep underground platform. When we arrived at Badaling Railway Station, we had to wait quite a while to get on escalator and to get out of the building,

Badaling Railway Station
Badaling Railway Station – The Crazy Deep Escalator

Boarding ends about 12 mins before departure, so be there VERY EARLY!

Badaling Railway Station
Badaling Railway Station – Departure Screen

High Speed Train Interior

Most of the train interior photos that we took are from the first class car. The seats are pretty comfortable and they can be reclined.

Beijing to Badaling High Speed Train - Train Interior
Train Interior – First Class

Small bags can be kept at the overhead compartment. The compartment doesn’t have door like an airplane; but because the bullet train ride is pretty smooth, things won’t fall off so easily.

Beijing to Badaling High Speed Train - Train Interior
Train Interior
Beijing to Badaling High Speed Train - Train Interior
Train Interior – First Class

Some section of the ride has pretty scenic views.

Beijing to Badaling High Speed Train - Train Interior
View from the train

There is a water dispenser on the train where you can refill your water bottle.

Beijing to Badaling High Speed Train - Train Interior
Water Dispenser

There is a luggage rack to store your luggage. The toilet is acceptable.

Beijing to Badaling High Speed Train - Train Interior
Luggage Rack
Beijing to Badaling High Speed Train - Train Interior

In the seat pocket in first class, they provided a sanitary paper bag, magazine and newspaper.

Beijing to Badaling High Speed Train - Train Interior
Paper Bag
Beijing to Badaling High Speed Train - Train Interior
Beijing to Badaling High Speed Train - Train Interior

When we were about to get off the train, we found a bar hidden in one of the cars!

Beijing to Badaling High Speed Train - Train Interior
A bar!

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