I was excited to go to Jakarta over the weekend (Saturday-Monday) to attend my friend’s wedding as well as explore Jakarta and its outskirts. We have arranged detailed itinerary of how we spend our time in Jakarta. And I’m imagining that I would have lots of photos and info to write a blog post about Jakarta. However it turns out that I didn’t take that much photos as I was deeply immersed in hearty conversation, peaceful scenery, intense workout and hard laughs. At the end of the trip, I felt that this weekend has been a retreat for me instead of traveling. I’m free from social media, work-related calls & messages, boring-city-grumbles. I just feel free and appreciative. Here’s what has happened in Jakarta..
On Saturday night, me & bf were picked up by my secondary school friends and his friend, from the airport. Then we picked up my university friend and her friend from a considerably new mall called Baywalk. Originally we planned to meet these 2 girls at PIK but they thought it was PIK mall, and taxi driver couldn’t find PIK mall becos it was under-construction, so they went to Baywalk instead lol! So anyway, 6 of us then went to PIK to have dinner. We had pizza, pasta, truffle fries and drinks because I was craving for pizza & pasta lol. Spent about Rp 900k for 6 person meal at Bastardo Gourmet Pizza, not exactly cheap but the food is good. After dinner, we went to Central Park becos we wanted to try velvet class (the movie theater with mattress, pillows and blanket; and it cost us Rp 275k per bed) at Blitz cinema. We watched James Bond Spectre at 11.10pm. I’d really recommend others to enjoy this unique experience of watching movie while lying down. We watched until past midnight and then we took cab back to hotel. I didn’t take a single photo on Saturday. I only keep these memories in my mind.
We arrived at hotel around 2.30am, and went into deep sleep around 3am. Not long after, we woke up at 5.30am in the morning of Sunday and got ready. We had breakfast at 6.10am and left hotel at 6.30am. It took us around 1 hour 15 mins to arrive at Sentul (Giant hypermart) to meet ID Guides. Then we set off for our trail run (me & bf) and trek (uni friend and her friend) at around 8am. It was very intense hill workout for me. We finished at 10.30am; 2.5 hours and I was panting already. We had short rest at the finish point, before paying our bills to ID Guides (trail run cost Rp 450k/person and half day trek cost Rp 350k/person) and set off for Taman Safari. I didn’t take a single photo during the trek as I was busy catching my breath lol! I only took photos on our way from finish point to our car!

View after our trail run / trekking at Sentul

The village where we had our trail run / trekking at Sentul
Our next destination is Taman Safari at Cisarua Bogor. It took us about 2 hours to drive from Sentul to Taman Safari due to light traffic jam. We had our snacks in the car and didn’t have lunch. We paid total Rp 765k (5 adults Rp 150k each, and Rp 15k for car). Taman Safari Bogor is really worth the struggles we had: traffic jam, not having lunch, sit in car for 7 hours straight. A lot of animals just walk to our car and didn’t even hesitate for a second to come in through the window! It was scary at times but it’s memorable experience. It was my 2nd time, the 1st was when I was 12 years old and I didn’t recall much about it. This time, I took so many photos. Btw, visitors could also take photos with tame baby lion/tiger!

Sun-bathing Hippopotamus

“Hello, what’s up? Lookin’ good!” says Flirty Deer

A group of deer

Ox? Sorry I’m not good in naming animals lol!

More deer

Giraffes enjoying their snacks time

Look at the horns and the eyes, I’m seriously scared of this animal.

“Good afternoon, madam. Nice to meet you,” says Zebra

An angry animal.. Sorry I’m not good in naming animals..

“Hey! You got food?”

“Uhm.. I just woke up.. Where am I exactly?”

“Ngiauunggg… Whoammmssss… I hope you like my teeth and my breath..”

“Hello, ladies.” *Grin*

Hippo again, getting ready to eat, “Aaaaahhhh….”
Our drive back to Jakarta took us 3 hours. Once at hotel, we got ready in the speed of light because we only had 1 hour before my friend’s wedding begin at JW Marriott Hotel. My friend picked us up from our hotel. Unfortunately, we arrived just a few minutes late. The bride & groom was on the door, getting ready to go in, so we waited outside until they enter. The food was great. Took some photos of the bride & groom about to enter into the restaurant, no other photos as I was enjoying the wedding and food and reunion too much.

We were late , hence the back of the bride and groom
On our last day, Monday, we had morning massage in the hotel. It cost only Rp 165k/hour. How cheap is that? In our room in our hotel! After done with massage, we checked out and went to Mall of Indonesia to meet our friend. We did supermarket shopping and bought simcard. My uni friend went crazy and bought so much food from supermarket (Indomie, Chitato, Excelso coffee). We then waved goodbye to our friend and made our way to our last destination, PIK. We first had dessert at Shirayuki. The cotton candy creations were so cute, we laughed so hard. We then had our dinner at Warung Tekko. I satisfied my craving with a plate of Nasi Goreng Special, yum yum. We pack 1 more nasi goreng to eat at airport. From PIK, we drove to airport in less than half an hour. Selamat tinggal Jakarta! Sampai jumpa lagi!

Fondue at Shirayuki PIK

Cotton Candy at Shirayuki PIK

Frog Cotton Candy at Shirayuki PIK

Dinner at Warung Tekko PIK (nasi goreng, chicken skin, iga, sum sum)
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